Each of our thought is Karma and we can make our minds positive by working on our thoughts. If you feel that you are lazy, you can train your mind to get the courage and the initiative to start working. The main hindrance may be the thought that there will be no result, no use. But if you still work whether it be gardening, farming or writing or playing games and if you decide to continue till you have good health, your karma is active and positive. If you are angry, you can practice control and if you continuouly do it, your karma is active. If you have lust that is above the limit, you can try to channel it to other activities and if you continue the practice, that is good karma. If you are poor or average and feel inferior, you can dream about big successes and such dreams will prompt you to do things you really can. One day will come to you. If you have anxiety, you can make yourself calm by being aware of it. If you have enemies and if you always curse them, you cancan try to be patient. Now with the modern technology, karma also gets ripened in many fields. Even stck. me is a part of human karma. All the best.
I am an English teacher by profession and I live in Kerala, India. I also write articles and stories in English. I write about sports, spirituality and life in General.
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